August'24: Kamaelia is in maintenance mode and will recieve periodic updates, about twice a year, primarily targeted around Python 3 and ecosystem compatibility. PRs are always welcome. Latest Release: 1.14.32 (2024/3/24)
Version: Axon 1.0
TODO:Needs better test suite
You provide the scheduler with microthreads of microprocesses, and it runs them, clean and simple. This is usually handled by the component system via returning a newComponent value. An alternative is to call the component's activate method.
It also has a slow motion mode designed to help with debugging & testing.
Pydoc Style Documentation
class scheduler(Axon.Microprocess.microprocess)
Method resolution order:
Data and other attributes defined here:
Methods defined here:
Creates a scheduler object. If has not been set, sets
it. Class initialisation ensures that this object/class attribute is
initialised - client modules always have access to a standalone
Internal attributes:
Whilst there can be more than one scheduler active in the general case you will NOT want to create a custom scheduler.
main(self, slowmo=0)
This is the meat of the scheduler - this actively loops round the threads that it has available to run, and runs them. The only control over the scheduler at present is a means to slow it down - ie run in slow motion.
The way this is run is as follows:
where delay is in seconds. If the delay is 0, the the system runs all the threads as fast as it can. If the delay is non zero - eg 0.5, then the system runs all the threads for one "cycle", waits until the delay has passed, and then times again. Note : the delay is between the start points of cycles, and not between the start and end points of cycles. The delay is NOT 100% accurate nor guaranteed and can be extended by threads that take too long to complete. (Think of it as a "hello world" of soft-real time scheduling)
runThreads(self, slowmo=0)
Testdoc Documentation
Needs major work. (See todo above!)
Michael, December 2004