August'24: Kamaelia is in maintenance mode and will recieve periodic updates, about twice a year,
primarily targeted around Python 3 and ecosystem compatibility.
PRs are always welcome. Latest Release: 1.14.32 (2024/3/24)
Kamaelia: Testing
What is it?
NOTE/WARNING: this is a speculative project that may
become "the" testing framework. It does not have that status yet.
Kamaelia Testing Framework aims to be a testing framework that will
let developers write automated tests of kamaelia components easily.
NOTE: this documentation is related to the first stage of the
project, which has been suggested to be rewritten, so it may change
completely in the near future.
Where do I get it
& install it?
It is currenty available in the private_PO_Tests branch. So, step by
svn co
cd Axon; sudo python # Axon is not changed from the
/trunk version
cd Kamaelia; sudo python
How do I use it?
Once the system is installed, you can do the tests you want wherever
you want (i.e. in your /Sketches, in /tmp, etc.).
You need to import the class "KamTestCase" from the package
Kamaelia.Testing.KamTestCase and subclass it
In this subclass, you can use setUp and tearDown just as you would do
in PyUnit.
You can test code that has nothing to do with Axon.
If using Axon (which is the normal thing):
- You will first create the component under test
- Then, you will call "initializeSystem" with the component under test
as an argument
- Then, you will be able to put messages to inboxes with the "put"
method. This is, self.put('message','inbox').
- You can also retrieve messages from the outboxes with the "get"
method. You may use only a single parameter (the outbox name), or two
parameter (the outbox name and the timeout in seconds). This is,
- You can also check that a certain outbox of a component is empty
after a period of time. This is,
- You can check that a component has or has not finished in a certain
period of time this is, self.assertFinished(timeout=5) or
- You can use all the assert* and fail* methods of a
unittest.TestCase, which are documented here, to
ensure that the output of the component is the one expected
- You can skip output from a component (i.e. waiting from a certain
output). In order to define the output you are waiting for, you can use
a simple KamExpectMatcher.Matcher object, which just checks the ==
operator, or you can use KamExpectMatcher.RegexpMatcher, which uses
regular expressions, or you can subclass KamExpectMatcher.Matcher for
other behaviour. Then you can use it as of self.expect(matcherObject,
'outbox', timeout=5).
- You can provide mock components to avoid dealing with resources that
may be difficult to handle with during testing [i.e. disk or networks
In order to provide some working examples, you can check:
- A simple example that tests a very simple component, but does all
the very basic steps to test it. Here.
- A simple example that interacts with a very simple component,
providing inputs and outputs. Here.
- A simple example that interacts with the same component in the
previous example, but that skips some outputs using the
KamExpectMatcher.* matchers. Here.
- A simple example that interacts with a component that uses another
component which would be difficult to deal with and may be mocked. Here.
There are some other (more complex) tests added:
- A clone of the first block of tests found in here
can be found here.
- A couple of tests of HTTPClient can be found here.
- Note that the tests added here
test the testing framework, and thus they don't rely on it (and thus
they are not tested as the tests above).
Since it relies on PyUnit, it can easily be integrated in continuous
integration servers with the existing tools for integrating PyUnit on
- The existing tools for running the tests nightly in Kamaelia will
work as expected. Since the runner used is unittest, the -v flag still
works and thus you can run the tests and it will return the __doc__ and
the state of the test (i.e. "Check Addition and Deletion of Inboxes ...
- The existing
tools used for integrating PyUnit in CruiseControl may be used "out
of the box" to integrate Kamaelia tests in this continuous integration
- The same probably applies to other existing automated code testers
(i.e. apycot)
Planned Schedule
(July 7th: redefining it):
June 6
- Finish Unit-testing KamPlanet using the first approach
(modify the approach as problems arise).
- Start mocking "problematic" components (i.e. those which
require network/disk/... access; file reader and http client) to
the interaction of all the components (except for the mocked ones)
June 13
- Finish integration-testing KamPlanet by using these mock
- For this case (KamPlanet), add also integration testing with
real HTTP servers (i.e. using python's SimpleHTTPServer etc.).
- Start testing other kamaelia apps/libs reusing the same
approach/objects, adapting them when problems arise. Order/number
these applications not yet decided (the most different the
are, the best; GUI, network...), the number mainly depends on how
new problems raise while testing each new application.
June 20
- (Keep testing other kamaelia apps/libs). Note that the aim of
this task is not to test apps/libs but to check that the approach
used is good enough by testing apps/libs; a couple of apps/libs
tested is only a collateral benefit. But, *at this stage*, I
worry too much if while improving the approach/framework when
the 3rd app/lib I break the tests on the 1st app/lib.
June 27
- (Keep testing other kamaelia apps/libs).
July 4
- Freeze the testing framework API and complete/clean the
tests of the tested apps/libs so that all of them work correctly
the current approach.
- Finish code-documenting the framework and write a small
tutorial on how to use it.
- Start integrating the configuration on a continuous
integration server (i.e. CruiseControl; it should be quite easy) or
similar frameworks (APyCoT).
July 11
- Finish integrating the testing framework with a continuous
integration server (i.e. CruiseControl) or similar frameworks
- Complete last week's tutorial with a simple sample app
developed using Test-Driven-Development and Continuous Integration.
(now bigger) tutorial will assume that Kamaelia installed and
notions of Kamaelia; it will include a small introduction to TDD/CI;
will only reference the installation of the CI server but it will
include its configuration for the sample app; the main point is
including a big. The simple app should use the components that
especially difficult to work with in June.
(not added Logging Framework schedule)
Progress (dates
related to the weekly meeting - these are the "DONE" lines)
Started unit-testing KamPlanet, working on the unit-testing
KamPlanet modules mostly unit-tested with the new infrastructure,
Tools and doc to deploy KamPlanet and more KamPlanet tests added, Mock
infrastructure started and used
Moved all the test framework to internally use LikeFile, replaced
previous implementations. Adapted all the KamPlanet tests to the new
implementation. Started integration testing kamplanet.
Tested some stuff at HTTPClient/HTTPParser, a couple of bugs
found and fixed, trying to put the changes in a branch. Improvements,
stats and tests in KamPlanet. Tried to move from
private_MPS_Scratch/**/LikeFile to trunk/**/Handle in order to make the
branch from trunk for testing other stuff; still on it.
Branch created for the testing framework, with a minor
modifications in {Protocol.HTTP,Schedule}, tests and the testing
framework itself. In process of migrating to Handle (it still fails ~20%
of times) to replace LikeFile-based working testing framework, adding
examples as documentation
First approach:
scheduler steps-based.
- It counts how many steps it takes to do a task. If it takes too many
steps, the testing framework asserts that it failed.
- Advantage: when using a single processor, the results should be the
same in different machines, so it becomes quite deterministic, which is
very interesting when unit testing. This doesn't happen whenever you are
testing components that use intrinsically not-deterministic components
(such as those using the network, file system, external processes,
Available prior to r4391 (with examples in KamPlanet tests), still
available as
Second approach:
time-based and expect command based
Suggested by ms-
Now it asserts that the task has failed when certain seconds have
You can also assert that you wait for a certain output, discarding
all the previous output. Or that the component output is empty
(equivalent to expect's EOF).
- For this, you pass a Matcher subclass (which can be a Matcher -such
as "I wait for a 5, or a 'hello world', or an instance of an object, for
example, and it must be exactly that object-, or a RegexpMatcher -I'm
waiting for something like '.*[A-Z]+' message-). In the future other
Matchers could be implemented (like one comparing xmls as does)
Advantage: it is more realistic than the previous approach, and more