August'24: Kamaelia is in maintenance mode and will recieve periodic updates, about twice a year,
primarily targeted around Python 3 and ecosystem compatibility.
PRs are always welcome. Latest Release: 1.14.32 (2024/3/24)
Help Needed/Wanted
Stuff that would be useful
next part included from Developers/Tasks
Project Tasks
Specific things that would be useful. If you want to work on these,
please start a /Developers/Projects/ProjectTaskPage with a basic outline
of what, why, how, when, who, where, etc. The key things out of those
really are the who, what, where.
TCP Server improvements
* Calling stop on the scheduler causes it to call stop on all
the scheduled microprocesses
- DONE - now sitting on Michael's branch. Needs merge.
* The stop on TCP Server & CSA causes respective sockets to
be shutdown cleanly
- INITIAL PASS DONE - Needs testing. Likely to need to catch situation
where sockets are closed multiple times. (Since the internet subsystem
is going to prefer to attempt to close too many times rather than not
enough times!!)
- Need to write test examples showing usage.
- Needs to also catch keyboardInterrupt and allow that to be a general
case which can kill the system via a .stop()
* CSA needs to respect the fact that when it forwards data it
make get a NoSpaceInbox
- DONE - now sitting on Michael's branch. Needs merge.
Interesting thought:
- A later version of the CSA & TCPServer could have an option to
make it such that when a client (or protocol) tries to _send_ data to a
socket that it fails if there's no capacity As a configurable option.
(Most protocol handlers won't be expecting it) That should be doable by
setting the max inbox size to zero
- Check windows, find out what works, what doesn't
- Windows specific megabundle
- Package up whiteboard for windows users
- Something similar to the selector for files for windows, preferably
transparent so the developer doesn't have to choose different components
for different platforms
- Get speex working for windows users
- Package up whiteboard for mac users
- Audio capture component for macs
- Get speex working for macs
- Resolve (likely) arising endian issues.
Axon core:
Improve box destruction to handle when a box is still linked to
- linkages are not properly broken at the moment
Fix WaitComplete microprocess closures so the substitute microprocess
self.pause() actually pauses
Make CAT fully threadsafe
Tidying-up and Quick wins:
- Tidy and simplify the Plug & PlugSplitter components
- Have SimpleServer tell the source IP, source port, dest IP, dest
Topology visualiser &
Change topology visualiser to support "on demand" screen update
rather than continuous
Support "no render" layout update (has to an extent already).
Change topology visualiser to support hierarchical display/etc
Rewrite topology viewer to abstract from rendering mechanism (so
rendering components could be plugged in for opengl, pygame etc)
Rewrite topology physics in pyrex for serious speed boost :-)
(thereby making it practical for visualising 'real' systems, eg.
whiteboard, which contains 61 components when running stand alone)
- Ryan expressed doubt that the slowness was all due to python and
offered to investigate how it could be rewritten to be faster. Matt
gratefully accepted
Whiteboard ideas:
- Try whiteboard in 3D
- Try an automated "scatter onto a concave hemisphere with me the me
middle layout for auto layout of pictures. Allow links to be drawn
between said pictures positioned in 3D, potentially integrate with
topology visualiser subsystem (simply different rule set?).
- Ability to edit the different pages of the same "shared pad" in
whiteboard session, rather than forced to be on the same page
- A whiteboard in 3d with multiple sheets etc.
Protocols, codecs,
User authentication modules
Clean integration with twisted for reuse of twisted.protocols
DNS client (would be useful in several places)
Gstreamer integration
A better way to do his (Ryan's) HTML parser in Kamaelia:
- "I ended up doing my HTML parser as a state machine and a stack - if
I did it as a standard unix program (like a filter) it would have been
much simpler using function calls and blocking."
- Michael commented that he had some ideas on this issue
AIM Support
- Remove from x import * statements from
- Provide a set of pre-defined SNAC constants (or possibly even
classes) such that it is possible to write
self.sendSnac(MESSAGE_TO_USER, data) instead of self.sendSnac(04, 07,
- Remove the block of code at the end of AIMHarness's main method that
keeps it running. After that code is run, AIMHarness serves only to
pass messages between ChatManager and OSCARClient. It could probably be
refactored such that those two components link directly to each other
rather than keeping the AIMHarness around.
- The LoginHandler code can be a tad confusing with several different
levels of WaitCompletes. It could probably be refactored to simplify
Graphics framework
support (pygame, OpenGL, etc):
Integrate PGU (Phil's pyGame Utils)
Use integrated PGU for buttons drop down lists, etc
- Inside Compose, (simplifying use on Macs)
Simple window manager support components -
- Add policies to display locations and management for xxDisplays
(providing layering, z positioning, reposition for pygame & opengl
surfaces, opengl code has this to an extent),
Styleable HTML layout engine for the window manager
Flesh out pygame related tools (perhaps independently of PGU)
Resolve MH.PygameApp issues,
Create joined spaces (2D and 3D) using Pygame & OpenGL code
Adding visual ordering of components to pygame: eg. a component
specifies a "layer number" to appear on
Adding better event routing for pygame & opengl - eg. only
top-most component receives a click event
Random project ideas
Write 3D game using Kamaelia
Automate release process.
A major python web framework, (eg turbogears or django) with a
kamaelia based web server and sample bi-directional "ajax" chat
- Michael mentioned that Simon Willison of Django queried the
possibility of integrating Kamaelia at Euro OSCON
RTP client and server implementation - potential internal bbc
- Matt has developed nascent RTP packeting/depacketing
DVB, PVRs timeshifting, etc:
- Write a graphical EPG for DVB
- Build a more complete PVR application
- An interactive introspector/visualiser that only displays
'neighbourhood' of a component (eg. those connected to a particular
component) ... allowing you to explore by moving through a system
- Implementation of ssh protocol
Relevant to HTTP, SMTP
- Half-close support in TCP client and server components (e.g. by
sending messages via the signal outbox, or accepting a half-close
command via the control inbox)
- Better flow control (i.e. pausing components when what they've
already processed is setting in a big backlog of the next component, or
that the component way down the chain has limited bandwidth)
- DNS client component